As Player's Club "devotants", we will spend most of our lives in the auditorium. As it is, we must then combat the problem of the seats, which are seperated from each other by a wooden, unmovable armrest. If we seek some comfort at all from these seats, we must adjust, as seen below by the amazing Jess.

And, of course, Max, on the risers in the Chorus room.
The Great (Sophmore) Class Treasurer was sleeping in a semblance of the fetal position on the risers too, but I respect his privacy...mostly.
But, you see what we learn to live with. Does anyone ever really wonder why actors are so adaptable?
But, you see what we learn to live with. Does anyone ever really wonder why actors are so adaptable?
And all this time I thought your back pain was from carrying a too-heavy back pack!
OOPS. That was me. You really should sign yourself out after you've finished using my computer ....
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