As I'm sure many of you know, I had all four wisdom teeth out today- and as a result, have been going through soup, ice cream (berry can't go wrong with that.) and vicodin like a dying man.
All things considered, I was pretty calm this morning- until I found out that they were going to knock me out with an I.V. Then I started freaking out. I HAAAAAATE needles and consequently flip out whenever they have to stick me. (I also frequently tell mum to look at the bright side- at least I'll never be a junkie!) It also didn't help that the doctor (who I would recommend- he did a very good job and had a great bedside manner except this part) couldn't find a vein in my arm and had to first dig around my elbow and then eventually stick my wrist. Ouch!
After that though, he started pumping the meds and the Novocaine, and that's all I remember until I woke up with half a pack of gauze in my mouth. I was really out of it, (although admittedly not as much as David, who I did quote to make mum laugh) and immediately wanted both my phone and to go home, and by protesting them quite vehemently, I thought I made these demands quite clear. Or....not.
I do feel a bit bad for mum, who probably had a hell of a time understanding me- which, with the aforementioned gauze alone would be troublesome, but I was also high as the clouds at this point.

We then came home, I took some penicillin and vicodin, and then crashed- woke up an hour or two later and finished a Star Trek episode (want to be finished by the time the movie comes out), practiced my guitar, did some homework(ha! see there Ms. Lindell, I did do some) and slept again.
That's pretty much been my routine, except for at 5 Bumblebee and Squirrel came to visit- they brought an awesome pastry tasty-looking thing ("It's soft!") and we caught up and played some Apples To Apples before they left. Thanks guys!!! Love you.
Please feel free to stop may even get some ice cream out of it. :)
All things considered, I was pretty calm this morning- until I found out that they were going to knock me out with an I.V. Then I started freaking out. I HAAAAAATE needles and consequently flip out whenever they have to stick me. (I also frequently tell mum to look at the bright side- at least I'll never be a junkie!) It also didn't help that the doctor (who I would recommend- he did a very good job and had a great bedside manner except this part) couldn't find a vein in my arm and had to first dig around my elbow and then eventually stick my wrist. Ouch!
After that though, he started pumping the meds and the Novocaine, and that's all I remember until I woke up with half a pack of gauze in my mouth. I was really out of it, (although admittedly not as much as David, who I did quote to make mum laugh) and immediately wanted both my phone and to go home, and by protesting them quite vehemently, I thought I made these demands quite clear. Or....not.

We then came home, I took some penicillin and vicodin, and then crashed- woke up an hour or two later and finished a Star Trek episode (want to be finished by the time the movie comes out), practiced my guitar, did some homework(ha! see there Ms. Lindell, I did do some) and slept again.
That's pretty much been my routine, except for at 5 Bumblebee and Squirrel came to visit- they brought an awesome pastry tasty-looking thing ("It's soft!") and we caught up and played some Apples To Apples before they left. Thanks guys!!! Love you.
Please feel free to stop may even get some ice cream out of it. :)
When I got my wisdom teeth out I got bruises on my cheeks and got so swollen. Greg loved it because he got to take some funny pictures. Hope you're feeling better.
You were a champ!
Brave girl - but did we really need the gruesome pics (not you - the teeth!!)
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