Friday, September 12, 2008

Epic Amazingness

I finally got a chance to watch The Fellowship of the Ring today, (I decided it was the weekend, I've worked hard this week, and I try not to go too long without watching them, as my entire family has deemed them "Classic-" and when my family deems something classic, you know it's special. =)

Every time I watch these I am struck by how much I love them- every line, actor, special effect- Peter Jackson did an absolutely fantastic job with these. Too many directors stray so far from the books their movies are based on that they become something else entirely- Jackson captured the richness and texture of Tolkein's books, and it's not painful to watch the movies.

So, I'll be back in about 11 hours. =D

1 comment:

Tara said...

I'm going to be on the movie set in New Zealand in about 3 weeks. I'm so excited I'll actually be in Hobbiton!