Friday, September 26, 2008

It's bAAAAAAAAAck!!!!

On Tuesday (Mom wouldn't let me stay up on Monday night) I finally got to spend two GLORIOUS hours engrossed in the season premiere of Heroes.

All I have to say, is....

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(in a very Napoleon Dynamite voice)

It was sooo awesome, everything I could have hoped for. There are some things I could have lived without- like Nathan's "religious revalation," which bothers me quite a bit, because his character was so anti-religious that it was the last thing I expected.

And what's with Nicki/Jessica/Tracey(etc)? How on earth did she survive, how does she have powers? And where's her son and niece?! And Linderman's randomly back- although only God-obsessed Nathan can see him, which makes me think that he's finally cracked under the pressure.

Peter shooting Nathan, as well, really suprised me, even if it is future Peter. The Petrelli brothers' loyalty to each other in the past two seasons just made this seem like a complete shock.

And Sylar/Gabriel is a Petrelli?! I mean, I really hope Angela's talking metaphorically, because THAT one seems REALLY out there, even for Heroes.

Although Mohinder(my one and only love!!!!) has had so many random, seemingly pointless character changes and developments that I really don't even know who he is anymore. And the fact that he injected himself with an unknown, possible fatal 'power-giving' serum seems a little far-fetched for a doctor of his capacity. Although I'm pretty sure he's about to learn his lesson the hard way, and we did get to see him playing at Spiderman for a while...shirtless.


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